

Union Lines: (Love and Marriage lines)

The union lines, which are manifested as a single line for some individuals, are horizontally extended below the little finger. These lines are studied to determine your attitude toward members of the opposite sex, romantic relationships, marriage, and performance at school.

You can tell if a man has cheated by examining his marriage line.

  • If there is a short line that parallels his marriage line, then he's had relationships prior (or after) marriage.
  • If he has a short line under the marriage line, he's had an affair during marriage.
  • If your marriage line is lower on the pinky finger (the fleshy area under your pinky), near your heart line, you'll marry early.
  • If it's higher, near the pinky finger, you'll marry later in life.
  • If you have multiple marriage lines, they each represent a separate marriage that you'll have in your lifetime. Which ever is the longest and thickest represents your best marriage.
  • A thick, long, horizontal marriage line is best. If it's thick and long, then you'll get married to a fated love.
  • If your marriage line descends down and touches the heart line, it means divorce or separation.

The Marriage Line is a small horizontal line on the edge of the palm between the base of the pinkie finger and the Love Line. Some people have more than one line. It is not significant how many lines there are, because all shallow lines can be ignored if there are one or two prominent lines.
If there are more than six shallow lines, and none is prominent, it indicates complicate and messy marriage situations. If there are two equally prominent lines, the person is prone to love-triangle situations.
The longer the Marriage Line is, the pickier the person is in selecting a mate, more demanding of his/her spouse, and has more pressure from the marriage. If the line ends below the ring finger and touches the Sun Line, it indicates having good in-laws who will bring wealth and fame. However, if it is longer and it crosses the Sun Line, it has negative effect on wealth and fame.
If the line has split ends, it indicates split-up or devoice.
If there are circular creases on the line, it indicates separation during a relationship.
If the line curves upward at the end, it indicates lack of motivation to get married.

Popularity Line
The Popularity Line is a short slanted line below the Love Line. It starts from the edge of palm, and runs slightly upward to the center of the palm. It indicates popularity and good interpersonal skills.



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