

Money, Wealth & Fame indicators on your hands lines

This is located between the little finger and the ring finger, and it crosses the heart line. The money line on your left palm represents the financial fate you were born with, whilst the one on your right palm suggests the fortune that you will create. The thicker the line, the better your luck. The money line indicates your luck with money, your attitude toward it, and your living conditions. 

Sun Line
The Sun Line is a vertical line below the ring finger and parallel to the Career Line.
Two Sun Lines appeared like a pair indicates the person is famous and renowned. If there are several lines, it indicates too many interests without a particular focus.
If there are circular or cross creases on the Sun Line, it indicates loss in wealth or fame.

Money Line
The Money Line refers to all creases, vertical or horizontal, on the bottom section of the thumb. The more creases, the more wealth will be accumulated. 



Life LineHead LineFate LineFame Line
Health LinesLove LineChildren LinesIntuition LinesBracelets

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