

Marriage Line: love signal under your pinky

It can be seen at the outer edge of the palm and the line proceeds towards the area under your little finger (this area is also known as the mount of mercury). Dont be surprised if you see more than one marriage line in the palm as this is very common. Although these lines are called as marriage line but these short horizontal lines only indicate important relationships that impress you deeply. These relationships do not necessarily involve marriage, or include sex. The stronger this line, the deeper the potential union. 

Several light lines found here will indicate romances whereas lines that are clear and strong indicate stronger relationships.

You can estimate when these potential unions might occur - try to measure upward from your line of heart. Midway between the line of heart and the base of your mercury finger is the point that indicates approximately 35 years of age. The length and thickness of the line is also important. A long, thick line tells that the person will be happy and satisfied with his special relationships. A short, thin line may warn of difficulty in relationships.

Lines that meet your marriage line but dont cross it, mean that children may be born from that relationship (see pic A). If you find a fork at the start of the marriage line, toward the back of your hand then it means a long engagement. But if the fork is found at the end of the line toward your palm (see pic B), it means separation. If the lines are overlapping each other, it is an indication of an affair/s while one is married or having a serious relationship with someone.

When an island is found on the line (pic C) it represents ill health to the partner, or separation from the partner. Separation can also be represented by any break (pic D) or cross in the line. If the marriage line is highly curved towards your heart line as if it is touching it (pic E), then the partner of that person may suffer from health problems which will mar their relationship.

When a vertical line is found cutting this marriage line then it indicates the end of the relationship in death or divorce. But if the cutting line is weak, it indicates some obstacles for the relationship. A black spot or dot, or a star in the line can also mean the same thing.

The marriage line should not be cut by any line such as the sun line (pic F) or line which starts from Life line (pic G) or line from the middle of the palm as this will cause many problems to the marriage like separation or financial loss. When there is a line coming out from Venus mount with a fork end touching the heart line of the palm (pic H) then this can also cause emotional imbalance which leads to separation of the couple.

When 'girdle of Venus' (the line which represents excessive desire for sex, drugs and alcohol) is connected to the line of marriage this can also cause a big problem which ruins the relationship or married life. There will be more than one or two disastruos marriages in the person's life.

People who should not marry

According to palmistry, people with the following lines better not to marry otherwise they will face severe troubles in the married life:

  • The marriage line is curving up towards their little finger (pic J).
  • The marriage line has a chain formation.
  • The marriage line that has small lines drooping and crisscrossing on it. This indicates continuous problems after marriage.

Finding Your Marriage Line

The marriage line is a small line normally found under your pinky. It will generally come around from the outside of your hand into the inside edge under the pinky.

Marriage Line Notes

There are several different things you can read from a marriage line. Some of these include:
    palm reading - marriage line
  • You can tell if a man has cheated by examining his marriage line. If there is a short line that parallels his marriage line, then he's had relationships prior (or after) marriage. If he has a short line under the marriage line, he's had an affair during marriage.
  • If your marriage line is lower on the mount of mercury (the fleshy area under your pinky), near your heart line, you'll marry early. If it's higher, near the pinky finger, you'll marry later in life.
  • If you have multiple marriage lines, they each represent a separate marriage that you'll have in your lifetime. Which ever is the longest and thickest represents your best marriage.
  • A thick, long, horizontal marriage line is best. If it's thick and long, then you'll get married to a fated love.
  • If your marriage line descends down and touches the heart line, it means divorce or separation.

Nature of the Lines of Union
A single Line Deep affection relating to opposite sex but normal sexual potentiality.
Many Lines Presence of periodicity in the display of sexual passion.
If the Lines begin with forks unusual affection
Long Line Affection continues longer
If the Line is thin in proportion to other lines in the hand.  The subject has no real strong passion for sex life.
If the Line starts deep and gradually grows thin Steady decline of sexual vitality.
If the Line starts thin and gradually becomes stronger Increase in sexual vitality.
An island on the Line Some unhappiness during the course of affection
If the Line composed of islands Subject possessing not enough urge to marry anyone.
If a cross is seen on the line Serious impediment to affection.
If the Line ends in a star Affection (false) used as a means of exploitation.
A fork at its termination Separation of married partners due to subject's faults.
The fork at the termination is not wide  Separation of married partners due to external factors.
If branches rise from the Line Happy and prosperous married life.
If worry lines run from the Mount of Venus and cutting this Line  Relatives often interfere with the married life of the subject.
If the Line slopes towards the Line of Heart  Widowhood or widowerhood
If the Line curves upward Subject may not marry..
If the Line is close to the Line of Heart Matrimony may take place between 18 and 21 years.
An upward branch touching the Mount of he Sun A brilliant union
If the Line is broken Separation or divorce
A black spot on the Line widow hood or widowerhood
Full of little islands or downward branches Subject may not marry.


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