

Lines of Travel

Normal position of the Lines:
These Lines appear on the Mount of Moon.  They are also the little hair lines that leave the Line of Life towards the Mount of Moon.  Sometimes the short lines that join the Life of Fate at the conjunction where a line shoots downward into the Mount of Moon clearly suggests profitable and intellectual foreign travels.

General function of the Lines:

(1) These Lines indicate the restless disposition of the subject or any allergy that he might have developed because of delicate health.
(2) They may also indicate travels and voyages of the subject.

Nature of the Lines
When the Line ends with a small cross Journey will end in disappointment.
When the Line ends in a square Subject protected from danger during the journey.
When the Line ends with an island Journey in loss.
When the horizontal Lines on Moon cross the face of the Mount and reach the Line of Fate Long and important journey.
When the lines enter the Line of Fate and ascend with it  Travels that materially benefit the subject.

1. Certain lines on the mount of moon also show such voyages or travels
2. Horizontal lines or cross lines from the center of the mount of moon generally indicates travel or voyages. Such lines usually start from the percussion and run towards the interior of the palm.

3. Travel lines emergin from life lines indicate that the bearer will do job or business in foreign and will permanently settle there or spend most of his life in foreign.

Leght and strenght of the lines show the distance traveled and the importance of the trip

When a travel line crosses the line of  fate, it means that your life will be changed by the trip.

When a travel line intersects the life lines, a trip will be made for reasons of health or the will be affected by a journey.

Overlaps or breaks in travel line show delays. Lines criss-crossings the travel line show danger in travel or problems in travel

a) An island on this line of voyage shows danger from water
b) A star on this line shows a fatal accident during the voyage
c) A square is a sign of preservation and the person is protected form danger if any during the journey
d) A cross shows disappointment on journey


Life LineHead LineFate LineFame Line
Health LinesLove LineChildren LinesIntuition LinesBracelets

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