

Find out your age of marriage

You might often wonder, how the hell a palmist could tell when my marriage would be! Well, here is the step by step procedure of measuring the ages for significant (!) love and marriage.

  • 1.      Take a ruler.

2.  Measure the distance between the heart line and the base of little finger. You should place the ruler by the side of your palm just the like the way as shown in the figure. Here you see, there are total  17 divisions. This length will represent 50 years life span of your life.
3.   Now count the number of divisions for marriage lines. In case of this person in the figure, we see, the marriage line is at 12 divisions counting from heart line towards the base line of the little finger.

   So the age representing at 12th division will be his year of marriage.
17 divisions = 50 years
1 division = 50/17 years = 2.941 years
12 division = 2.941 x 12 = 35.292 years

so the person will find his true love at 35 years age.  Now this is only in one hand. To be more accurate, you must measure the age of marriage at your left hand too. Say, there are two marriage lines at 25 years and 35 years in your left hand.
So the possible years of falling in love and marriage will be at 25 and 35 years.
I have heard about someone married at 78 years age. I wonder, how could I measure her age of marriage!
You have learned how to find out the years of love and marriage. But what will happen during the marriage, and after the marriage? Will the family life be peaceful? Will your relationship turn into a successful marriage? There are lots of other questions. I hope I will clarify these topics later. But for now why don’t you roll your sleeves and get down to measure your own years of marriage and of others? Cheers!

Now let’s have a quick look at six variations of the marriage line.
In diagram A, where there are two parallel lines, the potential of a triangular relationship may occur. If the lower line is weak, there will be an intense likelihood of other relationships before marriage. If the above line is weak, there may be likelihood that you may be unfaithful to your partner after marriage.
In diagram B, where the two lines are further apart indicates a stable relationship. However if the marriage is an early one, the relationship may end in divorce, and another marriage. If the marriage is later, the marriage may be a very stable one. This may result in a person having a good spouse, good children and few financial worries. Let me state here the number of marriage lines on your hand DOES NOT represent the number of times you will marry. There are many factors to consider here, especially the age you first marry, and this may relate to your own personal maturity at the time of marriage, amongst so many other things. Again here the strength of each line has some importance. A strong lower line means very few issues will arise during marriage, but if the upper line is strong, there could be divorce and remarriage.
In diagram C, where there are three lines, such people will be passionate, affectionate, warm hearted, but find fidelity very difficult.
In diagram D, where they are many crisis-crossing lines means that you have a tendency to be unfaithful. These people have little control over their passion and lust.
In diagram E, where there is a merging of the two marriage lines to become one, you journey to marriage may be difficult with many challenges in the way. However once you have married your relationship should be a very happy one. This will be particularly so if the single merged line is a strong one.
In diagram F, where there are many small lines protruding above the marriage line, this person will enjoy strong affection, love and also the material things of life from their marriage. However if lines protrude below the marriage line the marriage may go through very hard times and challenges.
In summary, the marriage line tells us about of interrelationship aspect of our personality. Where our marriage lines indicate potential fickleness, unfaithfulness, and infidelity, the reading our palm gives us the opportunity to become aware of our POTENTIAL shortcomings. If you believe that knowing your personal weaknesses is 50% of the cure, then the marriage line goes a long way in providing an insight into what your future relationships might be like if you don’t head the warnings your palm indicate to you.


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