

Heart Line (love and emotion hand line)

The upper transverse crease is known in palmistry as the heart line (or also called as love line). This line reveals the quality of your emotions, your capacity for love and affection, as well as your degree of sensitivity. It can also provide us important information regarding our physical condition of the heart and also the strength and type of our sexual desire. Our heart line is the horizontal line above the head line. In general, the deeper and stronger this line, the warmer and stronger our devotion. The more curved this line appears on the palm the more emotionally responsive the subject. Certain markings on the line means specific events which occured in our life.

A lightly marked heart line indicates a sensitive and shy type of a person. A line that is too deep can means a highly stressful life. A deep and straight heart line can mean jealousy and criminal tendencies. A long love line is considered good while a short line means a lack of interest in the affeirs of love and affections, unfriendly and might end up lonely. A darkened or a red heart line shows that the person has a temperamental approach to life, be it hostile and negative, or passionate and positive, while a lighter line tells a colder and more distant emotional state.

A high love line that turns upward belongs to those who want lots of reassurance and a spiritual, idealistic approech to matters of the heart. A lower heart lines closer to the head line belongs to those who are less demanding and more giving and supportive.

If you have two heart line, it means your relationship luck is also doubled and your spouse is very supportive. Ideally, our heart line should be clear and without breaks. Breaks in the heart line (see pic A) spell broken relationships whereas islands or crosses along the line (see pic B) spell tragedies of a broken heart. A line with smaller lines crossing through it can also mean the same thing. If the line grows downwards it means strong conflicts between the head and the heart in relationships. The person is prone to emotional extremes and it is easier for him/her to love humanity rather than to love individuals. His/her relationships may also be short-lived or easily broken (pic C).

An island in the line below your middle finger can suggest hearing problems and there may be a fear of heights, whereas island under your third finger may reflect sight troubles. Four or three vertical lines just above your love line under the Mercury finger can indicate dental troubles. A chained (or crossed) heart line reveals health problems in your coronary systems and a nutritional or mineral deficiency (pic D). A chained heart line can also mean a high degree of sensitivity which can be easily hurt and emotionally affected by others. Happiness in love is represented by small lines that extend upward from our heart line (pic E) whereas lines that are extend downward means disappointment.

When the heart line curves upward slightly and ends between our Jupiter and Saturn fingers, indicating a balance between our mind and emotions. If the heart line ends under Saturn (pic F), then this indicates that the owner is ruled more by his/her head than the heart in love relationships. The person with this type of heart line has a tendency to be emotionally cut off but still has strong sexual instincts. But when it ends under Jupiter, it indicates idealism; the owners of this type of heart line are ruled more by their heart than by the head in relationships. They are romantic, devoted, and poetic type of lovers.

When your heart line is connected to your head line, this reveals a balance between the intellect and the emotions in relationships. If your heart and head lines are widely separated, this indicates that you are a broad-minded person who like to share feelings with others. You are also very impatient and impulsive, especially if your head and life lines are separated as well. But if the heart line is narrowly separated from the head line, then you tend to be narrow-minded and secretive. You might also have repressed personality, especially if your life and head lines are also joined.

Are You a good Lover?

A person with this long curvy line can be happy one minute and down the next, and it may not be due to what is happening in the relationship. Emotions fluctuate from moment to moment and run the full psychological range at any time. Each moment is separate from all the others and has its own emotional charge. A relationship with this person can be like a high speed rollercoaster. If he or she is emotionally "down in the basement" don't worry. Very soon the mood will dramatically change and shoot up to the top floor where the party is. The psychological mood changes come and go like the ocean tides and that keeps a relationship interesting. 

This type person with this curved line ending under the middle finger lives in the practical "now". The future is too far away to worry about. What is happening right now is the most important thing.  Planning for tomorrow's activities are not part of this person's routine today. 

This person is reactive, demonstrative and rational. She or he can devote full attention to enjoyment of all the senses. If the middle finger is straight and strong, this  person is not likely to get involved in taking care of other people's needs at the expense of her or his own needs. This type of person is more "me." 

This Heart Line reveals the least emotional type person for a relationship. Reserved and inwardly directed, these types appear passive about receiving love and act cool toward any kind of commitment in a relationship. They love controlling their own lives and seek calmness. Independents are no-nonsense people who are practical, loyal, and dependable.  This person needs "alone time". In a relationship he or she does not want the partner to make demands on their time and energy. He or she may even resort to creating an argument so that their mate will get mad and leave them alone.

This person needs these rest and alone periods often, and more than any of the other hand types. It is the Independent person's nature to not hang on to bad feelings for long. After a break and a rest, he or she can easily forget and forgive and move on with life like nothing ever happened to disturb the peace -- even when it was he or she who created the disturbance to the peace! 

In a relationship they demonstrate love by doing little practical tasks for their mate, instead of getting "mushy". They may show love for their partner by doing practical things like keeping the gas tank full in the car. Since they are so practical, dedicated, and loyal, to them it seems unnecessary to keep affirming their love to their mate in more direct (and less practical) ways. To an Independent Heart Line, it seems much more logical to spend the honeymoon money on the down payment for a house or car.

People with this Heart Line will act the way they think other people expect them to act (especially partner, family, or friend). They have developed a deep sense for "reading people" and they know how to act around them. However, it is very difficult and scary for this person to show their true feelings, especially when they see it would not please someone else. Instead they will focus their actions on what will please the other person to insure a positive response. They will do whatever is necessary to avoid having to deal with the other person's negative responses, even if it requires negating their own real feelings. 

This behavior pattern to get "peace at any cost" was learned earlier in situations where not doing so brought on painful disapproval, anger, ridicule, guilt, indignation, jeers, humiliation, etc. The price they pay for acceptance from others is loss of their emotional power to feel their own true feelings. 

People with this Pleaser type of line easily fall for anyone's sob story. They feel that they can somehow fix life's upsets by giving in to other people's needs and wants. This is almost always at the expense of their own true feelings and needs, however. They will never "rub anyone the wrong way".

When the Heart Line end touches the Life Line the tendencies are frequent and severe. If the Heart Line end crosses and goes inside the Life Line, this person will do anything to please others.

Notice that the Heart Line is long and curved up well under the index finger. This person expresses love and intimacy energy in a relationship with a lot of confidence, charm, and personal power. The index finger is used frequently to point and gesture to emphasize one's strong personal intentions. Of all the fingers, the index finger is used to most strongly express personal power. This curved long Heart Line ending near the base of the index finger indicates it is using this personal power in relationships. 

In a relationship, this types are very giving, nurturing, and tend to satisfy the needs of the mate before their own needs. They are idealists and sentimentalists who see their efforts and caring as their most precious gift to others. They have a lot to give others and do so willingly. 

She or he goes into the relationship giving 150%, and never says that anything is expected in return. However, she or he assumes that something equal will be returned. This is natural because a Nurturer is an idealist! Unfortunately, the type of partner attracted to the Nurturer usually is the opposite type. So at some point in the relationship the Nurturer starts feeling resentful and "used". Also the Nurturer's partner no longer gets what she or he has grown to expect, so is dissatisfied, too. When this happens the relationship is over for both unless they can see what is happening. 

The real psychology to understand is this: They should learn to love self enough to feel OK about asking for what is wanted, and be able to receive it without guilt. She or he needs to know that it is not necessary to give 150% in a relationship in order to get acceptance and love.

Notice that the Heart Line is long, only slightly curved up, and ends under the index finger. This person does more thinking about relationships than acting on them. The are very sentimental and idealistic about relationships. But rather than take action, she or he spends most of the time thinking, analyzing, and diagnosing what the lover or friend says and does. Idealistic dreams are often more satisfying (and easier) than pursuing a real-life lover. The mental self-indulgent fantasies are often much more beautiful and satisfying than any real relationship.

Real-life relationships are filled with possible problems that the Thinker worries about even when the problems are not present. This drains emotional energy and action out of the relationship while the Thinker worries about future problems that may never occur.

People with this type of Heart Line are very considerate, just, and responsible about commitments in a relationship. Their relationship must have meaning and they work hard to keep "peace at any cost". The person's ideal romance is filled with poetry, cards, flowers, romantic dinners, and long talks about the past and future. They enjoy thinking over and over about what happened the last time together. The thoughts of what did happen and what could have happened are reviewed in the mind repeatedly. Unfortunately, most of the future plans don't get realized because they spend so much time thinking about the romance rather than doing more in person with the partner.

The Humanitarian Heart Line flows all the way across the palm and out the other side. This Humanitarian Heart Line symbolizes that the loving heart energy is directed to the outer world side of the hand. These people care for and love all living things: People, animals and trees. They have a strong commitment to an idealistic expression of love for all, especially the helpless and weak. Their attention and sympathies are very easily pulled to every humanitarian project that comes into the news. 

The Humanitarian's challenge in a relationship is to not neglect self and/or their mate while they are pulled toward yet another humanitarian crusade. The mate for the humanitarian often feels neglected and abandon and must have a lot of patience. 


original author/content owner

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